Los Angeles partner Fred Reish was featured on the cover of 401(k) Specialist Magazine, and was quoted extensively in the cover story titled “Fred Knows 401k Fiduciary.” The article states that after the demise of the Department of Labor’s Conflict of Interest Rule, Fred is “about as close as one can get to someone ‘in the know.’ His expertise and experience have him (always) in demand.”
In the article, Fred discusses the latest developments from the fiduciary front, including the SEC’s Reg BI, and the prospect of the Department of Labor trying again with a rule of their own. He also discusses common mistakes that are made by plan sponsors, investment committees and 401k advisors, as well as the issue of making money last for an uncertain life expectancy with equally uncertain markets.

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The views expressed in this article are the views of Fred Reish, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Faegre Drinker.