Category Archives: General

The New Fiduciary Rule (27): Changes to PTE 2020-02 (2): Affecting Financial Institutions

In November 2023, the U.S. Department of Labor released its package of proposed changes to the regulation defining fiduciary advice and to the exemptions for conflicts and compensation for investment recommendations to retirement plans, participants (including rollovers), and IRAs (including transfers). On March 8, 2024, the DOL sent the final rule to the Office of Management and Budget in the White House.

Key Takeaways

  • The DOL’s proposed fiduciary regulation includes a new and expanded definition of when a person will become a fiduciary under ERISA and the Internal Revenue Code due to recommendations to retirement investors.
  • As a result, many more advisors and agents will be fiduciaries.
  • If a fiduciary recommendation to a retirement investor is conflicted, any resulting financial benefit will be prohibited under ERISA and the Code. In that case, to avoid the consequences of a prohibited transaction, it would be necessary to comply with the conditions of a prohibited transaction exemption (PTE)—most likely PTE 2020-02.
  • My last article discussed the proposed changes to PTE 2020-02 that will affect individual advisors and agents. This article discusses the changes that affect the financial institutions.

The first, and current, version of Prohibited Transaction Exemption (PTE) 2020-02 was effective in December 2020. In November of 2023, the DOL proposed amendments to PTE 2020-02 in connection with its proposed regulation expanding the definition of fiduciary advice to retirement investors—private sector retirement plans, participants in those plans, and IRA owners.

The proposed regulation will cause many more people and firms to be fiduciaries when they make “investment” recommendations to retirement investors. (I put the apostrophes around investment because the term, as used in the regulation, includes a range of services and types of products.)

When an investment recommendation is conflicted (that is, if the recommendation is accepted and implemented, it will financially benefit the advisor or the firm), the financial benefit is prohibited—literally prohibited. However, if there is an available exemption, and if the conditions of the exemption are satisfied, the transaction can proceed and the financial benefit can be retained.

PTE 2020-02, in both its current form and in the proposed amended version, provides relief to broker-dealers, investment advisers, insurance companies, and banks, and to the individuals who act on their behalf. While those individuals could be advisors or agents of any of those types of firms, this article uses “advisors” for ease of reading.

The proposed 2020-02 has changes from the current version. Some primarily affect the individual advisors (called “investment professionals” by the DOL) while others primarily affect the firms (called “financial institutions”). Both the investment professionals and the financial institutions are fiduciaries for purposes of satisfying the requirements of the exemption.

This article discusses the most significant changes that primarily affect financial institutions. My last post, Fiduciary Rule 26, covered the changes that will affect investment professionals.

Continue reading The New Fiduciary Rule (27): Changes to PTE 2020-02 (2): Affecting Financial Institutions


Most Popular Insights for the Third Quarter

Each calendar quarter, I post approximately 12 articles on my blog, This quarterly digest provides links to the most popular posts during the past three months so that you can catch up on what you missed or re-read them.

  • Best Interest Standard of Care for Advisors #95: The Four Effective Dates for PTE 2020-02

    The DOL’s fiduciary interpretation and Prohibited Transaction Exemption (PTE) 2020-02 and its requirements were not all effective at the same time, causing some confusion. This article discusses the four effective dates or, more appropriately, enforcement dates.

  • Best Interest Standard of Care for Advisors #96: Annuity Recommendations, PTE 84-24, and Fiduciary Misunderstandings

    The DOL’s expanded interpretation of fiduciary advice as described in the preamble to Prohibited Transaction Exemption (PTE) 2020-02 applies to all rollover recommendations, including recommendations to roll over into annuities. A fiduciary recommendation to roll over from an ERISA-governed retirement plan results in a conflict of interest that is a prohibited transaction under the Internal Revenue Code and ERISA. This article discussed the DOL’s expanded interpretation in the context of the insurance industry, relief provided by PTE 2020-02 and PTE 84-24, and the conditions that must be satisfied for each.

  • Best Interest Standard of Care for Advisors #97: The SEC Requirements for Rollover Recommendations

    When conflicted fiduciary advice is given to retirement investors — that is, retirement plans, participants (including rollovers), and IRA owners — it results in prohibited transactions under the Internal Revenue Code and ERISA. However, PTE 2020-02 provides relief for conflicted non-discretionary recommendations. While most of the focus of the literature, and of these blog articles, about rollover recommendations has been on the DOL’s fiduciary interpretation and PTE 2020-02, the SEC has, for the most part, harmonized its best interest/fiduciary requirements for rollover recommendations with those of the DOL. This article discusses the two-part harmony between the agencies, and the areas of disharmony.


Most Popular Insights for the Second Quarter 2022

Each calendar quarter, I post approximately 12 articles on my blog, This quarterly digest provides links to the most popular posts during the past three months so that you can catch up on what you missed or re-read them.


Most Popular Insights for the First Quarter 2022

Each calendar quarter, I post approximately 12 articles on my blog, This quarterly digest provides links to the most popular posts during the past three months so that you can catch up on what you missed or re-read them.


Most Popular Insights for the Fourth Quarter 2021

Each calendar quarter, I post approximately 12 articles on my blog, This quarterly digest provides links to the most popular posts during the past three months so that you can catch up on what you missed or re-read them.


Most Popular Insights for the Third Quarter 2021

Each calendar quarter, I post approximately 12 articles on my blog, This quarterly digest provides links to the most popular posts during the past three months so that you can catch up on what you missed or re-read them.


Most Popular Insights for the Second Quarter 2021

Each calendar quarter, I post approximately 12 articles on my blog, This quarterly digest provides links to the most popular posts during the past three months so that you can catch up on what you missed or re-read them.


Fred Reish Featured on the Cover of 401(k) Specialist Magazine

Los Angeles partner Fred Reish was featured on the cover of 401(k) Specialist Magazine, and was quoted extensively in the cover story titled “Fred Knows 401k Fiduciary.” The article states that after the demise of the Department of Labor’s Conflict of Interest Rule, Fred is “about as close as one can get to someone ‘in the know.’ His expertise and experience have him (always) in demand.”

Continue reading Fred Reish Featured on the Cover of 401(k) Specialist Magazine


Interesting Angles on the DOL’s Fiduciary Rule #97

Regulation Best Interest Recommendations by Broker-Dealers: Part 3

This is my 97th article about interesting observations concerning the Department of Labor’s (DOL) fiduciary rule and the SEC’s “best interest” proposals.

In my last two articles—Part 1 and Part 2 on this topic, I discussed the fact that proposed Reg BI and its best interest standard of care for broker-dealers did not apply to all of the recommendations made by broker-dealers. The proposed best interest standard for broker-dealers will apply only to securities transactions recommended to “retail customers.” (Reg BI defines a “retail customer” as “a person, or the legal representative of such person, who . . . uses the recommendation primarily for personal, family, or household purposes.”) I compared that to the SEC’s Interpretation for RIAs, which applies to all advice to all clients. This article gives examples of how the proposals will differ when applied to common scenarios.

Based on the discussions in the Reg BI package, and on my conversations with securities lawyers, the definition of “retail customers” appears to refer to individuals, participants’ accounts in retirement plans, IRAs, custodianships, guardianships, and personal trusts. That’s not meant to be an exhaustive list, but it is meant to point out that it doesn’t appear to apply to business accounts or retirement plans. Frankly, I’m surprised that it doesn’t apply, at the very least, to small businesses and small plans.

Let me explain. Assume that Jim and Joan Smith, a married couple, have been working for a large company, Acme Corporation. However, they decide to leave Acme and to start up “Jim and Joan’s Bakery.” Fortunately, the bakery is successful and their cash flow is strong enough to start a retirement plan for the two of them, who are the only workers at the bakery. Knowing that the company will grow, their advisor (who works for a broker-dealer) recommends that they set up a 401(k) plan and recommends the investments. Those recommendations would not be covered by the Reg BI best interest standard of care.

At the same time, though, the advisor recommends that Jim and Joan take distributions from the Acme 401(k) plan and roll that money into IRAs. Both the rollover recommendation and the recommended IRA investments would be covered by the best interest standard.

Jim and Joan were also participants in the Acme pension plan. The advisor recommends that the pension benefits be withdrawn and rolled to IRAs. It appears that the withdrawal recommendation would not be subject to the best interest standard (because it does not require that Jim and Joan buy, sell or hold any securities), but the recommendations about investing in the rollover IRA would be.

The advisor helps Jim and Joan invest their accounts inside their new 401(k) plan. That would be covered by the best interest standard of care.

As the business becomes more successful, Jim and Joan set up personal accounts with the broker-dealer. Recommendations on those personal accounts would be subject to the best interest standard. But, if they had an account for their business, those recommendations would not be.

The business continues to grow and the advisor recommends that Jim and Joan set up a cash balance plan and assists them in the asset allocation and selection of investments for the plan. That would not be subject to the best interest standard of care.

With the continued success of the business, Joan and Jim decide to have children and the advisor helps them set up 529 accounts for the children’s education. The 529 investments would be subject to the best interest standard.

Confused? You should be. All of the advice in this article was to Jim and Joan. And, Jim and Joan have the same sophistication for evaluating each of the recommendations. Yet, because of the definition of “retail customer,” the duties owed by the advisor and the broker-dealer under the proposed Reg BI bounce around. Ask yourself . . . will the average investor understand which rules apply to which situation? I don’t think so. The burden shouldn’t be on the investor to understand these technical rules. Instead, the rules should be consistent and understandable.

Needless to say, this is my opinion. It doesn’t mean it is right; but it does mean that I’ve thought about it.

POSTSCRIPT: All of the recommendations in this article, when made by an investment adviser (RIA), are covered by the best interest standard. That’s straightforward, consistent and understandable.

The views expressed in this article are the views of Fred Reish, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Drinker Biddle & Reath.


Interesting Angles on the DOL’s Fiduciary Rule #94

SEC Proposed Reg BI and Recommendations of Rollovers (Part 3)

This is my 94th article about interesting observations concerning the Department of Labor’s (DOL) fiduciary rule and exemptions and the SEC’s “best interest” proposals.

Part 1 of this series discussed the provisions in the SEC’s proposed Regulation Best Interest that would impose a best interest standard of care for rollover recommendations by broker-dealers and their registered representatives. (More specifically, the standard applies if the rollover recommendation involves securities transactions—which would ordinarily be the case for participant-directed plans.) Part 2 described some of the considerations for developing a best interest recommendation process.

This article—Part 3—describes the proposed requirement to “mitigate” the conflict of interest inherent in a rollover recommendation.

Since a broker-dealer and its representative would not, in most cases, receive any compensation if a participant does not roll over, there is, to use the SEC’s language, a material conflict of interest involving financial incentives. In that regard, Reg BI says that a broker-dealer must disclose and mitigate or, alternatively, eliminate the financial incentive conflict of interest. (This article refers to broker-dealers, but that includes the registered representative, or advisor.)

Of course, it’s impossible to eliminate the conflict, since—if the money stays in the plan—the broker-dealer will not earn anything. But if the money is rolled over, the broker-dealer will receive compensation from the rollover IRA. As a result, the only practical choice would be to disclose and mitigate. While the SEC does not give an example of mitigation of the conflict in the context of a rollover recommendation, the SEC does cite FINRA Regulatory Notice 13-45 on several occasions. RN 13-45, in turn, requires that a broker-dealer and its representatives make a reasonable inquiry about the participant’s plan account. After all, how can a recommendation be made in a manner that is careful, skillful, diligent and prudent (the Reg BI requirements) if the broker-dealer does not have any information about the investments that it is recommending be sold? (Since participant-directed plans such as 401(k) plans typically only distribute cash, a rollover recommendation inherently incudes a recommendation to sell the investments in the participant’s account.)

RN 13-45 requires an analysis of, among other things, the investments, services and expenses in the plan. For those of you who have studied the DOL’s Best Interest Contract Exemption, you will recognize those as the three primary factors listed by the DOL for consideration in making a fiduciary rollover recommendation. In other words, proposed Reg BI (including the references to RN 13-45) and the Best Interest Contract Exemption are remarkably similar.

Where does that leave us?

Bottom line, the best “mitigation” appears to be a process that ensures that the recommendation is in the best interest of, and loyal to, the participant.

That means that broker-dealers are in essentially the same position as they were under BICE. They need to gather and evaluate appropriate information about the investments, services and expenses (among other things) in the plan; the investments, services and expenses (among other things) in the proposed IRA arrangement; and the needs, circumstances, risk tolerance, and preferences of the participant.

Broker-dealers need to develop a process for doing that, together with policies and procedures, training and supervision. That process should produce a reasonable and informed recommendation in the best interest of the investor.

Similar requirements are imposed on RIAs. That will be the subject of a future post.

The views expressed in this article are the views of Fred Reish, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Drinker Biddle & Reath.


